When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto
Marjorie Spoto When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto
When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto

Hardcover Nonfiction Bestsellers List

Top Ten Best Selling Hardcover Books
MARCH 2005

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Hardcover Fiction

Featured Book of the Month
BLINK, by Malcolm Gladwell. (Little, Brown, $25.95.) The author of "The Tipping Point" explores the importance of hunch and instinct to the workings of the mind.
JUICED, by Jose Canseco. (ReganBooks/HarperCollins, $25.95.) The former slugger talks about his life in baseball and, especially, his use of steroids.
COLLAPSE, by Jared Diamond. (Viking, $29.95.) A historical investigation, by the author of "Guns, Germs, and Steel," into why some societies succeed while others fail.
MEN IN BLACK, by Mark R. Levin. (Regnery, $27.95.) A lawyer and conservative commentator enumerates ways in which "the Supreme Court is destroying America
DISNEYWAR, by James B. Stewart. (Simon & Schuster, $29.95.) A two-decade history of corporate infighting, by the author of "Den of Thieves" and "Blood Sport."
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